Unleash your Selling Superpowers!

Free 5-Day Sales Masterseries - Badass Sales Skills

Lynn and Amanda are two badass mamma’ jammas with some serious superpowers!

With over 40 years of experience (yes we are old enough to have that many years between us) in all kinds of selling techniques and environments!

Best selling authors, business development consultants, Podcasters, content contributors, and more. These ladies kick ass and take names, all while leading their global clients to do the same.

Join them on the FREE 5-Day Masterclass Series where they will dive into Badass Sales Skills.

Meet your co-hosts:

About this Masterseries:

Stop leaving money on the table! Yeah, you heard me. Most people leave money on the table. This means you are not gaining all the business you can be!

We spin our wheels, get what we get in a random throw it up in the air and see where it lands, type of way, some of us hiding behind a tree because we are too afraid of sales, or how we are coming across.

Stop playing small!

Stop wasting your time and others time!

Stop thinking sales is a bad word!

It is a part of the business world. so wouldn't you rather lean into your sales superpowers, vs hide away and let it happen when it happens?!/

Are you ready to stop wasting away all your goods? Then sign up for this free 5-day Masterseries!

Just a daily 45 minute LIVE bite-sized session full of applicable nuggets!

  • Day One: Target Market, Who are your peeps and where do they play??
  • Day Two: Unique Selling Proposition (USP), Do you stand out in a crowd? Are you sure?
  • Day Three: Sales Process, The KEY to how to make sales, and get repeatable and projectable results.
  • Day Four: Sales Scripts, Yes, scripts, but not what you think...
  • Day Five: Objections, "No" this is a good word, let's learn to not fear it.

Can’t make it? No worries we will email you the replay and you will have 72 additional hours to watch it.

You Should Attend If:

  • You're an entrepreneur or small business owner wanting to increase revenue
  • You're struggling with feast or famine cycles
  • You own your own business and want to see your profits grow
  • You're tired of all the sales gimmicks that don't offer projectable and sustainable results